Sameer's CRM Insight + Real Time Marketing Blog

Sunday, March 04, 2007

CRM Vendors 2006/07

Hi All - So I decided that the posts are too long.... so well here there are as links. So if you have been here before you will find the long posts replaces by links.

I have collated a few on

1. Data Mining Vendors - Lists all the main ones including Chordiant.
CRM Data Mining Vendor 2006

2. CRM Enterprise Vendors - The main CRM vendors, these are the end to end solution providers from billing system, marketing to Business processes.
CRM Vendor Guide 2005-06.
Enterprise CRM Suite 2007

3. The CRM market size forecast growth (2006-10)
CRM market size forecast

Credits: The links refer to publications by research companies. These excerpts are reproduced for reference only. 
Please refer to their original website for full details of the articles.

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