Sameer's CRM Insight + Real Time Marketing Blog

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

YOUR custom mobile calling plan

This White Paper looks at the emerging trend in the telecom domain to tailor the Subscriptions to fit the customer needs. It is no longer a one size fits all. In this setup both the customer and the Telco ends up a winner.

© Ardent Business Consulting Ltd 2008.  Republishing rights available on request.

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I have a new Home

Hi there

Time has moved on and things have changed. I am now part of Ardent Business Consulting and you can visit our new website at

Come on over, have a look at what we are doing and if we can help you with anything. You can of course see my profile on my Linkedin site.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Links working now

Hi All.. have moved the hosting of the files from yahoo briefcase to my google pages site. Hopefully it should work ok now including resolve access from within the corporate firewall issues.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

CRM Vendors 2006/07

Hi All - So I decided that the posts are too long.... so well here there are as links. So if you have been here before you will find the long posts replaces by links.

I have collated a few on

1. Data Mining Vendors - Lists all the main ones including Chordiant.
CRM Data Mining Vendor 2006

2. CRM Enterprise Vendors - The main CRM vendors, these are the end to end solution providers from billing system, marketing to Business processes.
CRM Vendor Guide 2005-06.
Enterprise CRM Suite 2007

3. The CRM market size forecast growth (2006-10)
CRM market size forecast

Credits: The links refer to publications by research companies. These excerpts are reproduced for reference only. 
Please refer to their original website for full details of the articles.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

CTOs, CIOs and Technology


A bit of a divergence from the blog post topic, I have posted this story recently published at It is a high level essay on CIO/CTOs and their understanding of technology. It showcases how a typical business client precives technology, a key factor when discussing your solution's capabilities vis-a-vis his/her business vision.


CTOs, CIOs and Technology...



Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I have a personal Blog

Hi All, I have a personal Blog now ... check it out at:

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Select CRM Data-Mining Vendors

Select CRM Data-Mining Vendors Based on Focus and Vision

No perfect data-mining vendor exists for customer relationship management (CRM). To select the best vendor, evaluate its focus on best-of-breed analytics or operational integration and assess its breadth of vision from a CRM initiative to a companywide platform.

Read on here...

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How to Achieve Real-Time CRM

How to Achieve Real-Time CRM

Five major hurdles must be surmounted when implementing a system that makes smarter recommendations during inbound interactions. By understanding all five barriers, you can learn to overcome them.

Read more here...

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